1. I bought the kids’ Q and A journal about a month ago and meant to tell you about it…it seemed like something you would love:). When I saw this post I thiuggt “I bet the Q and A is on there!”
    My four year old LOVES it, and her answers are so fun. My favorite so far is her response to “What will you do when you’re older?” Without missing a beat she said “Do the trapeze. And everyone will come check it out while I swing over 8 parks and 6 houses.” She cracks me up:)

  2. Normally I come to your blog and feel overwhelmed with your creativity and over-achieving (in a good way!). This post made me pause, though, and I’m thinking about getting the One Line A Day journal. I used to love journaling, and now I can’t even find a pen in my house to write a grocery list down! One line a day sounds doable – and I want to remember and say thank you and be grateful…and this journal sounds like a good start!

    1. Oh, please don’t feel overwhelmed – ha! (Although most days I am living in some sort of overwhelmed state.) I can so relate to your lack of pens. I threw away five dead ones yesterday. I think you will love the one line a day journal. Also, documenting gratitude is so good for the soul.

  3. I am so glad that I am not the only one with an addiction to these types of books. 🙂 (I had 4 different baby books because I couldn’t choose just one!) We have My Quotable Kid and we love it – my daughter says some crazy stuff. I think I might have to get the Q & A a Day for Kids, too.

  4. I currently do nothing like this, but my baby girl is about to turn one, and I really want to document more of my memories of moments with her…
    I would also love to do something like this just for myself! I don’t want to overwhelm myself with too much all at once though.
    If you could recommend just one of these books to start with, for someone who has never done something like this before (except for a gratitude list, inspired by Ann Voskamp), which would you recommend?

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