1. I can pick up sand dollars off the ocean floor with my toes. And I call it “a split” because there’s more than one way you can do a split, so if you could do both side splits and a middle split then you could do “the splits”.

    1. When we were dating, he actually called the US Gymnastics Association, but we couldn’t get through. 🙂

  2. Ha–I’ve never heard “the splits”; which sounds disturbingly like “the runs” (sorry…but what it reminded me of!!).

    And MPT? His talents never cease to amaze me….!!!!!!!!

  3. My 8 year old daughter dances competitively … and she calls it “the splits”. She can do all the different kinds and always says “Wanna see my splits?” Which means that I’m going to see all the different variations.

    I wonder if that’s a regional thing? Different people from different areas call it different things???? Hmmm.

  4. I’m from Georgia and I have only heard it called “a split”! I’ve never heard anyone call it “the splits” until today 🙂

  5. Haha, I’ve never heard “the splits” either. I’m from upstate NY and we always called it a split. But it makes sense if you can do both ways and the middle it would be called splits.

  6. I’m from Arkansas and was a cheerleader in high school and have always called it “the splits”. I find it very interesting that there’s no clear distinction between regions and what term is used where. Hmm. Love your blog, Jessica.

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