Tutorial: 10 Minute Crazy Hat
A few weeks ago, Elias had crazy hat day at school for Dr. Seuss week.
Monday night I had plans of scrounging up something, but I fell asleep with a migraine at 7:30.
Tuesday morning I had to leave an hour earlier than normal for a work meeting. Matthew said, “can you do something quick to a plain winter hat?”
Why yes, yes I could.
I remembered a box of pipe cleaners that I had in my stash and this silly hat was made in less than 10 minutes.
If I had more time, I would have probably put pipe cleaners around the whole hat. Instead it was sort of a reverse mullet – party in the front, business in the back! 🙂
To make the hat, I simply pushed about 3/4″ of the pipe cleaner through the stocking hat and then twisted that end to rest of the pipe cleaner, securing it to the hat.
Then I took a pencil and twirled the pipe cleaner around it, making a cute corkscrew.
I repeated the process all over the front of the hat.
Elias was THRILLED with the result. And I was thrilled by how quickly it came together.
Crazy for sure!
Have you ever made a crazy hat?
So cute, I love it. Looks like he does too