Links for Your Mother’s Day – Mighty Edition
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there.
This video blessed me earlier this month. To mothers everywhere – you are mighty.
I also loved this video from Kid President. That kids cracks me up.
If you have lost your mother, this post from Lisa-Jo is for you.
And after you have laughed, be moved by the words of Ann, “Motherhood does not require complete perfection and a Superman cape. It simply requires an imperfect commitment and the surprising humility of Christ.” So good.
Lastly, if you didn’t read this post I wrote on the World Vision blog for Mother’s Day week, please do so. On this day, as we remember mothers, let’s also remember the orphans of the world.
Much love to each of you on this Mother’s Day.
And a special hug to my mom in Wisconsin. 🙂