1. I just ordered my EC planner last night. Maybe I should have waited for the giveaway 🙂 Can’t wait to get it.

  2. Just wanted to tell you I love your blog and appreciate all the work you do. Being a working Mom and keeping a blog can’t be easy but you do it with such style and grace. Have a great Tuesday!

  3. Congrats on finishing week 18! Sorry to hear about your migraine and yep, that is serious commitment, waking up before dawn to get that layout done. If I had that kind of energy for this project, I might not be 9 weeks behind. 🙂 Wow, after watching the video I am so impressed at how much you accomplished in such a short amount of time. I’m also envious at your succinctness – I don’t think I could ever journal that many different photographs on a single journal card! Thanks as always for hosting this every week – it is vital in helping me stay on track.

    1. ha! I hate being behind and just had too much guilt to NOT get something done for this week. Glad PL Tuesday helps keep you on track – it helps me too.

  4. Wow that is a ton of inserts! Well done, looks beautiful! I am working on week 18 as well, hoping to post this week! Thanks for the inspiration as always, Jessica!

    1. I know, right? It was over the top- lol. But I couldn’t not include all those fun run pictures. I liked them too much. 🙂

  5. Nice job, Jessica! I’m just getting started with Project Life, and I love it. I’m working on 2012 at the moment, but I love your idea of doing week to week for a year. 🙂

  6. Jessica,
    I always love your PL posts! Do you put your embellishments/stickers etc on the actual picture or on the outside of the page projector? Just curious. Some stickers I’ve put on the outside sleeve don’t seem to stay put.


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