Weekend Links: Guatemala Edition
Love this photo of Matthew with our sponsor child, Carlos (Photo credit: Laura Reinhardt)
Matthew has been in Guatemala all week. It’s hard to believe he comes home tomorrow!
Have you been following the #WVbloggers hashtag on Twitter? It’s such a great group of writers. Here are a few must-read posts:
The Slums Are Alive by Matthew. You might have read this after I shared it on Facebook yesterday. Without question, I think this is one of the best posts he has written in all the years traveling with World Vision. I also loved his photo essay of Reasons Why You Should Sponsor a Child. The images are so beautiful.
Jessica Shyba is my favorite new introduction through this trip. Do you read her blog, Momma’s Gone City? I think she’s like a lot of us – a busy mom who has never been away from her kids for a week. (Y’all will LOVE her.) And this post about her skepticism of child sponsorship and how the week has changed her made me cry…
When I traveled with World Vision in 2009, I saw how a garden was transforming the community. In Guatemala, the same thing is happening – and it’s mothers leading the efforts. Love this from Jamie, The Very Worst Missionary.
What if We’re the Ones that Need to be Saved? from Zach at American Jesus. A question that we all need to ask.
Caleb’s insight into what poverty looks like is raw and eye-opening. Also be sure to read his post about the journey of nine years of infertility, adoption and how all of that impacted meeting his sponsor child. Wow, wow, wow.
Shelby’s post Pedicures and pumpkin lattes asks us to look at how we spend our money and think about how we spend $35. This post made me really reflect – and I think you’ll do the same.
And the words that Roo brings us from a woman who was sponsored by World Vision? A must-read. Because we all need to hear them.
I hope that you will take time to read these posts. In one of the communities where the group visited, malnutrition was 90%, now, with World Vision’s help, it’s 3%. Before World Vision, mostly just boys went to school, now girls’ attendance is equal or higher.
As Christians we are called to love well and I believe through the work of World Vision, we can do that. Will you help?
Peace to you this weekend.