1. There is no one home anymore to enjoy all the decorations and the tree is old and dilapidated. Perhaps a nice new tree that already has lights and easy to put up, is just the ticket to put some sparkle back in our season. thank you for the opportunity

  2. My husband didn’t want to decorate until after Thanksgiving…. 🙁 but I understand because he wanted Thanksgiving to feel like it’s own holiday….the kids can’t wait for Friday to come!!

  3. I decorated 2 weekends ago! haha I always have to decorate at work too, so I wanted to get mine done before I had to do that! We will probably put the tree up and the outdoor stuff this weekend, though. That’s the best part anyway…because the kids get into it. The real joy of the season.

  4. My husband wouldn’t think of allowing decorations before Dec. 1st, but I’ve reclaimed the corner of the dining room where our tree will sit. It was covered by 4,000 cars, trucks and trains courtesy of my 4 year old until last Sunday!

  5. We usually wait until after Thanksgiving to put up our tree since we have to displace our dog’s bed to do it. 🙂 Plus this year we plan to get a real tree – our artificial one was looking a bit scraggly – so we may not get a tree up until mid-December.

  6. I have not decorated for Christmas yet. We moved into a lovely new home this summer that we are so blessed to be in. I just got out a lot of accessories and decorated for Thanksgiving and am so pleased with the outcome. I wish I enjoyed decorating for Christmas more than I do, but I know in our new home it will look great, just haven’t decided when I’ll do it.

  7. We were going to start decorating today, but we’ve actually been looking for a new tree, so don’t want to put up the old tree, so this would be perfect for us to win!

  8. Way too early to decorate! We will put up lights next week when we get some nice weather. Our family tradition is to wait until the second Sunday of Advent to decorate, then take everything down on Epiphany after a blow-out Twelfth Night party.

  9. My plans were to start this weekend inside and out but they were kind of put on hold as I lost a dear friend yesterday to cancer and his visitation and funeral will be this weekend. I will still find some spirit somewhere as I know he would want it, but it will certainly make it harder.

  10. I’m starting this year’s Christmas decorations from scratch due to changes in my family over the last year. The wreath or garland would be a great place to start! Beautiful!

  11. I’m semi-decorated. I have the tree up and decorated and lighted garland on our stairs up. Still need to pull out the nativity scene and my collection of snowmen and santas. I love having the glow from the lights when I go to bed and wake up in the morning.

  12. I won’t be decorating inside the house for awhile yet but would love to put the red wreath on the outside of our home!

  13. Your tree is beautiful. We wait until after Thanksgiving to get out our decor. Our family ornaments have become so numerous over the years. I may be bold and try out the mesh this year. Love the look!

  14. Nope we haven’t decorated for Christmas yet, but we are this weekend. We’ve had to look for a new tree as well so haven’t found one yet.

  15. That is gorgeous! I have never used the deco mesh, but would love to try it. We decorate the day after Thanksgiving always…..my daughter won’t let it go up any sooner, even when Thanksgiving is sooo late, that is the tradition!!

  16. We have been enjoying our Christmas tree from Tree Classics for 7 years now and would love wreath or garland! Love Tree Classics quality!

  17. I always wait until Dec. 1st to decorate. This year I’m super excited as my sister is visiting from across the country and will be here so we can enjoy doing it together! Thanks for the giveaway. I’ve been keeping an eye out for a nice wreath for our front door. 🙂

  18. Same here, the lights on our tree died last year. I’d love to put up a real tree, but, for now artificial is just more practical for us.

  19. Your tree is gorgeous! I’m waiting until this weekend to decorate. My family does an artificial tree as well and love to keep it up for quite awhile. It stays up from Thanksgiving weekend until after New Year’s. Some years I want it down Jan 2nd and other years I love letting it linger.

  20. Haven’t decorated yet. We do a Jesse Tree and put up the Nativity scene before Christmas, but we wait until Christmas Eve to do much of the decorating… The wreath would be a beautiful addition!

  21. Haven’t decorated for Christmas yet – one holiday at a time around here! 🙂 Love love love the Winterberry Wreath! Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

  22. Jessica, that tree is gorgeous and it is so beautifully decorated. You always inspire me, and no, I have not decorated at all yet. Well, not unless you call putting up the little Christmas welcome flag up at the front door! The wreath is beautiful too and I’d leave it up till Valentine’s Day as well if I had it!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  23. My family was always artificial tree with white lights, and my husband was real tree with colored lights, so when we got married we agreed to compromise with a real tree and white lights. His parents have since bought a fake tree with white lights, but he sticks to his guns on the real tree . . . plus, we don’t have a basement to store it in the other eleven months of the year :0(

  24. We are totally a family that is anti-decorating-before-Thanksgiving. The only exception I’ve gotten my husband to agree to is putting up lights early (but not turning them on) if we get a warmer day. We usually don’t though. So we don’t have anything out yet but you better believe that tomorrow after bed time it’s all about the decor!!!

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