1. That video was eye-opening! I have never used a fire extinguisher and, honestly, wouldn’t have the slightest idea what I was doing! These tips are really helpful. And, thanks for the link to the Madonna Badger article – that was a truly heartbreaking tragedy.

    1. I don’t know why I never thought to buy a fire extinguisher just to learn how to use it! Definitely worth the $20 investment.

  2. Thank you for this post, Jessica! I needed this reminder. And I had no idea about the “spray the base of the fire” thing! So good to know before it’s too late. Also: you looked super cute putting out those fires. 🙂

  3. We have extinguishers in the kitchen, garage, and basement. I need to replace them all though–I think I got them when we moved into the house in 1999!

    One big mistake I made as a teenaged babysitter really stuck in my mind as a lesson. I was making popcorn and had oil heating in a covered pan on the stove. I got distracted by the children, and when I returned and lifted the lid to add the corn kernels, flames leapt up. I panicked and ran water into the pan. Lord, I was lucky the flames didn’t leap onto my clothing. The hot oil was carried by the cold water into a cloud of grease that spread over the entire kitchen. I spend hours cleaning up the mess. When I confessed what had happened to the people I was sitting for, the mom wasn’t angry. She said, “omg, that just happened to me last week. There’s a big container of salt right over the stove, and you can use that to smother the flames if it ever happens to you again.” Of course, I could also just have put the lid back on the pan and removed it from the heat . . . . And a fire extinguisher would have helped immensely. Thanks for the tips!

  4. Great post. I have sat thru basic instructions on PASS but never actually used a fire extinguisher. We have two in our home, but I wonder if they ever expire? I need to check. and a great reminder to check on our smoke detectors! Thanks!

  5. Jess, this is such an important message to get out there, and you did it so well. And can I say that that fire extinguishing stuff looked like a blast? I might just have to light some ovens on fire out in the field just for practice!

  6. I haven’t used a fire extinguisher EVER…I think I’m going to go buy one and try it out in the driveway, just to be aware of how it works. I’m not even sure I could tell you how to work it.

    I always really value the practical way you approach these sorts of issues–helpful and not alarmist. You make me feel empowered rather than freaked out.

    1. You definitely should, Hayley. And your boys would love seeing it in action. Such a practical home safety lesson.

  7. That Vogue story…now I’m balling. Thanks for posting this. Pinning to come back and read again, and I’m going to put fire extinguishers on my Christmas list.

  8. If my husband has any say in the purchase of a wedding gift, he insists on a carbon monoxide detector and a fire extinguisher. Safety first!

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