1. OOOHHH!!! I will need to make a note of all the one’s I haven’t read. Never mind the three foot pile of unfinished books I already have… This is the year I put the phone down and READ. (I actually think I’ve forgotten how!)

  2. I’ve added a lot of books to my Goodreads “to read” account. Do you use that app? It’s how I record what I’m reading and what I want to read someday! I can’t wait to read my daughter the Anne of Green Gables series, like my mom read them to me. I also love historical fiction along with many other books…some favorites are:

    1. To Kill a Mockingbird – if you haven’t read this classic, you must.
    2. All 3 Khaled Hoessini books – beautiful stories on the people of Afghanistan and their strength. I’ve been to an author’s lecture and was amazed by his story.
    3. The Glass Castle by Janette Walls. Beautiful memoir of remembering her parents alcoholic past but not allowing that to shape her future
    4. The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom. Historical fiction, a story of slavery and not belonging in either house on the plantation.
    5. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith. Another classic that I waited entirely too long to read.
    6. Sarah’s Key and the Book Thief. Both about the Holocaust, with their powerful stories told from different sides
    7. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. A WWII memoir. Read it before the movie comes out later this year.
    8. My Name is Mary Sutter. Historical fiction, about a woman becoming a nurse in the Civil War
    9. Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese. Amazing. No summary could do it justice!
    10. Shauna Niequist’s 3 books – I especially loved Cold Tangerines, and am now determined to make many of her recipes from Bread & Wine.

    1. I love Khaled Hoessini! I just bought his most recent for my Kindle. I have also read Sarah’s Key and the Book Thief. I love books about that period. Shauna is a friend and I love her writing.

      I don’t use Good Reads. I just can’t keep up with it. I add books I want to read to my Amazon wish list. 🙂

  3. I love Philippa Gregory! I’m reading The White Princess on my Kindle now.

    Have you ever read Charms for the Easy Life? I think you’d like it.

  4. Just recently finished God’s Smuggler – a true account of smuggling Bibles in to Communist countries behind the Iron Curtain. How God worked is still blowing my mind. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers will still be one of my all-time favorite reads.

  5. I loved The Red Tent! I don’t see it pop up on many lists like this so I guess I got excited. I also really enjoyed “Day After Night”, also by her.

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