1. That’s great that you’re adjusting to what works in every phase of life! I was never able to do weekly PL, so I’ve been doing my albums by month for a couple years now. It gets the highlights of each month and the little things that I want to remember, without needing time every week to scrapbook (which, sadly, I don’t have!)

  2. Hi, it might just be my laptop, but I couldn’t hear what you were saying in the video, even with the volume turned on full. Sorry, something about monthly PL Tuesday? Are we only linking up once a month?

    1. Yes, Project Life Tuesday will be the first Tuesday of each month moving forward. Sorry you couldn’t hear the video. It seems fine on my end.

  3. I think monthly link-ups are a great idea! I love weekly also, but sometimes I’m just not caught up, and therefore not ready to link every Tuesday. I’ve been trying to give myself some slack this year, and just not stress over that kind of stuff. So, monthly is good! 🙂

  4. I like the monthly layout idea, since that is what I’ve been doing since I started PL in 2012. I like that I can do an insert if I want but I don’t feel the pressure if I didn’t take pictures or can’t remember what was going on (sometimes I just have pictures and I don’t remember what I was documenting!)
    Good for you for making PL suit your season of life instead of taking the purist route that means it won’t get done!

  5. I’ve been doing a monthly spread (and when I have a lot of photos, several pages for the month, or an extra spread for a birthday party, Christmas, etc.) since I began PL a few years ago. I have LOVED that I can make it fit my life, and even when I get behind, it’s nor nearly as overwhelming to me to catch up a couple spreads than 8 or weeks at a time! Hope this works for you in your busy seasons!

  6. The monthly approach is how I started with PL in 2010 and is the only way I think I can keep it going. I keep my pictures (pretty much) in order but don’t have to worry about the specifics nearly as much as the weekly approach. I don’t plan my layouts. I just print and go. Special events/trips/family days I keep together on one page so the journaling makes more sense, but otherwise, I just make it work for me! Hope you enjoy doing it this way!

  7. Hi Jessica, when you get a moment, will you tell me more (or throw me a link) about the new PL 6×9 planner page you mentioned from Michaels? I can’t find anything about them just yet. Becky’s website is down, so I thought maybe you could tell me more in the meantime… THANK YOU so much!

  8. Hi Jessica,
    I am new to PL. Last October is when I first heard of it and I have been finding blogs like yours to look to for inspiration, am taking her Real Project Life class on BPC, have invested in a good stash of PL materials and am doing a 2014 album. I am finding it is difficult to keep up with weekly for me.. so after the class is done in April, I am going to do it monthly. I think it is a great idea.. keeping it simple is a good thing! Love your ideas and look forward to your monthly Project Life Tuesday posts. Thank you!

  9. I love how this project is so versatile. I’m doing a weekly approach still, but I’m lucky if I get my pictures printed more than once a month. I usually do a huge batch when there is good deal, so the monthly plan will work great with me!! I just hope I remember!

  10. You are one busy mama! I also do a monthly approach to Project Life and I love it. I tried weekly and was only able to maintain it for about 6 months. Monthly works much better for me. I love your blog as always and I can’t wait to see what you have in store with your blog and your book too! Good luck with balancing and managing all that you do!

    1. You are so incredibly kind. Thank you for your words. I can’t wait to share all that is in store. It is going to be a really great year!

  11. I have been doing PL since August 2012. I enjoyed doing the weekly spreads at first but this past year it became too much. I just couldn’t keep up. In fact I still need to go back and finish October, November, and December. I decided to do the same thing and switch to monthly spreads along with event spreads for birthdays, trips, etc. Also like you I haven’t started 2014 yet, but I feel so much more relaxed about it knowing I am doing a more general approach. PS – your hair looks super cute in this video!! 🙂

  12. HI Jessica!
    After 5 years of reading your blog I FINALLY just started project life! I just had to tell you. I thought it was funny that I started the weekend before this.

  13. Lovely video, Jessica! I am glad we can still link up once a month (I always visit every post and comment on almost everyone), BUT your are staying true to YOU. That is so important! I hope you love your new approach to PL this year and enjoy it!

  14. Hi Jessica! I don’t think I’ve ever linked up but your blog has been on of my go-to’s for PL inspiration over the past few years. I’m making the same switch this year too! I always start the year strong with weekly PL and then it dwindles about halfway into the year. It can be easy to catch up but at this point I have 3 years started and needing to be completed. Also just “lost” my pre-paid 2010 digital album that was almost finished via Becky Higgins. I still love the idea of documenting everyday moments, but I also like to have time for traditional scrapbooking. Looking forward to a simpler approach this year – makes SO much sense. Looking forward to your book. Keep up the great work 🙂

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