Free Lent Resources
Today is Ash Wednesday and marks the first day of Lent. I really want to be intentional during this important season, and I bet many of you feel the same way. In the past few days, I have learned of a few free lent resources that I thought I would share with you.
Ann Voskamp: An Easter Devotional- Trail to the Tree – A must-read. I have read this for the past few years, but it never gets old. I was thankful to start it again this morning during my quiet time. It is totally free when you sign up for her free email list or blog feed.
Grace for Moms: Truth for Tiny Hearts – The Lent Experiment – Simply sign up for their newsletter to receive this free ebook. This is geared toward kids – a perfect resource for families!
Margaret Feinberg is partnering with YouVersion for a 40 day #LentChallenge to read through the entire New Testament during Lent. I have not been intentional about reading this Word in the last few months, so I am planning to use this as a way to get me back in it.
She Reads Truth Fridays: Fridays during Lent on She Reads Truth, women are invited to link-up a devotional they’ve written. A neat way to read what other sisters in Christ are discovering and learning from the Word.
If: Equip: This tool is not exclusive to Lent, but since its free, I wanted to mention it. IF: Equip’s daily bible reading launched in February, and I don’t think I’ve missed a video. They are perfect for busy women and a great start to my day. I love the women involved, the authenticity of the conversations and the Scripture component.
I hope this helps as we journey toward the celebration of Easter.
Hope you and your hubby are doing well. Hug to you, friend.