1. Wow. This is incredible! Oh how I wish we could take our kids here, because this looks like a fantastic amount of fun. I think people are going to really love this list!

    1. Thanks so much, Sarah. I’ll admit, it probably took 5 hours to write + link +photos… 🙂 Hoping it helps a lot of people.

  2. Thanks! We are thinking about a trip next year (our kids will be 6, 4, and 2.5 by then). I will be sure to look up this post again!

  3. Our girls enjoyed the Gadget’s Go-Coaster too. Perfect for preschoolers.

    And Radiator Springs Racers is a family favorite!

    I agree about Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin! Disneyland should replace that ride with something more modern (and more kid-friendly).

  4. I loved doing TeaCups with Elias and Caedmon on Friday. A blast!

    The Winnie the Pooh ride is great for little ones and although it was closed when you were there, the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage is worth checking out if you’re not freaked out by enclosed spaces.

  5. Thanks so much for this list Jessica. We’re heading to CA this weekend and will be at Disneyland for 2 days at the end of our trip with our 6.5 year old son (he doesn’t know yet). Your list gives us the inside scoop on which rides he’ll likely enjoy and are worth it and which we can skip. I already know that Luigi’s Flying Tires will be a big hit.

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