1. We have one more year before our oldest leaves her current caregiver to start kindergarten. I already have sad moments about this! So grateful to have other working moms like you that share your experiences and give me courage!

  2. My favorite part of this: You see, while some would say that it would have been better for you to stay home, I am so thankful that day care has been a huge part of your story.” I am a stay-at-home, homeschooling mama, and I have no doubt that I am exactly where I am called to be. In a generation filled with stupid, petty “mommy wars,” I am so encouraged by moms whose lives look very different from mine, but are living out God’s best for their families. Rock on, sister! Elias is clearly a joy-filled, well-parented kiddo.

  3. Both of my kids lived in daycare from the time they were 6 weeks until they entered kindergarden. They thrived and we, too, made lifelong friends. Elias will excel in kindergarden, because he is so well prepared from his daycare experience! I remember on my daughter’s first day of kinder blogging that I wanted to be sad, but she was so excited – I just couldn’t bring myself to tears. Can’t wait to read all about Elias’ first day next week!

  4. This made me bawl… I can’t believe this also means I’ve been following your blog for around 6 years! So proud of your little man. 🙂

  5. This is wonderful. I have been reading since before Elias was born….I remember Matt and Angie’s videos! 🙂 I too have always been a FT working mom. I always felt guilty initially leaving the kids at daycare but they do thrive, and so did I. I am one of those moms that do well working outside of the home. I don’t think I would do SAH / Homeschool mom…I just wouldn’t. My kids are better for it. Some may say that makes me a bad mom….but I think I am a better mom when I AM with them. My son just turned 5 and we decided to wait another year to start kindergarten. So next year at this time I will be facing the same challenge! Good luck mama! 🙂

  6. I remember your posts on the transitioning from each room and when you first had to take him! Can’t believe he’s in school already! I have one about to start kindergarten too. Thanks for sharing your family with us!!

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