1. Oh the peeing! I just had baby number 2 last week and I had a terrible time with “tinkle” this time. Never had that problem with my first. Before we go a third round I think I may buy stock in depends! Ha!

    1. For what it’s worth, if you just had the baby last week, it will get better! 🙂 But, at least in my case, no amount of kegels cured the issue completely – ha!

  2. Maybe things to enjoy before you get pregnant that you’ll never enjoy again–like trampolines, apparently. For the aforementioned tinkle reasons. Even a couple years after the most recent birth. Bummer.

  3. Strangers (and friends and family) who feel freedom to say, “you have 2kids/3kids/each gender/etc, now are you done??” My response is, “let me push this one out first and I’ll get back to you.”

  4. so true, all of these. Thankfully I didn’t have a TON of people trying to touch my belly – maybe I just looked mean, I don’t know! I would also add that after the first child you will never pee alone again. Or… possibly other situations as well. And after three vaginal deliveries I basically wear a panty liner all of the time b/c you just never know when I might pee myself. A new one to me last year was when I got out of our pool and went in the house – the temperature change?!?! bizarre!

  5. I think a good card might say,”Congratulations! You’ll never pee alone again!”
    Also, if you want to borrow my “You can touch my belly if I can punch your face” shirt, you’re more than welcome to it.

  6. I love this post!!! After having two kids myself, the incontinence was not something I was prepared for…and it’s been five years since my last one, so I’m pretty desperate for a miracle in that area. I still have to wear pads every day on the chance that the pee may flow too happily during the day–or more than once that day!! And my babies were both born via C-Section since my first born was seated DEEP in my pelvis and couldn’t successfully be turned around. Any way, I appreciate your honesty and hope beyond hope that one day soon God will heal us or that He will show someone how to cure it with exercise! 🙂

    To the real reason for the post….why don’t you hook up with Hallmark to create some pregnancy cards???? I think you would be perfect for it! 🙂

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