1. I love this post. I am so glad to know that I am not the only one that keeps cards! I have tons and then not only do I keep cards we get, I also have a stash of cards for every occasion!

  2. I have all sorts of letters and cards from my past. One of my favorites is the last Valentine’s Day card I received from my father before he passed away. I also love all the vividly written letters from my grandmother.

  3. I have a hat box with all my old cards in it and also a bin at home. I treasure the ones from college and from my Nana. I always love to look at them and smile. Thank you for this post, made me think of them and want to go revisit today.

  4. I have more than one box of my own and have just pulled together the cards from my oldest daughter’s scrapbook. My mother must have saved EVERY card she received for all of her 83 years – it was fun to look through all of the vintage cards. We had to let most of them go, there were that many (4 children’s worth of welcome baby from the 40’s on). Wish I had a few, but so hard at the time to decide …

  5. I love keeping old cards, but I have to admit I only keep my absolute favorites about 4 from each family members Birthday. But Holiday cards, I keep them all from each year!

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