1. Thank you for letting us know about these great deals Jessica! Love your PL pages!! Your kids are so cute! BTW, the big pack of design A pocket pages is on sale for only $14.66! I bought a pack last night. Can beat that price!…that is the design I use the most 🙂

    1. Yes, there is tons on sale. It’s craziness. I feel like a broken record, but you can’t bear the prices. I have stocked up so much that I shouldn’t buy Project Life until 2018.

  2. Thanks for sharing! I always enjoy your spreads and it inspires me to get back into doing mine. I’m currently caught up, but I’ve lost my spark….so I’m doing a picture a day challenge and maybe that and vacation will shake me out of it. 🙂 I loved your letter to Elias about day-care ending. My son is heading for K too and I’m getting all weepy about it!

  3. Great job persevering through all those photos of your days at Disney. Special moments like those take me the longest to complete because it’s so easy to get overwhelmed by 2000 (!!) photos. You powered through 🙂 Your children are going to love looking at these pictures!

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