1. Just curious, what do you do with all the crafts/projects after your kids complete them? I am worried about creating more clutter in our house. I struggle with that enough as it is. Thanks for sharing…

    1. I would love to know your answer also! We have gotten the crates a few times over the years and then we just have so many big crafts to add to all the others that I get overwhelmed by it all..

    2. What do you do with other crafts that your children do? I think the same holds true for Kiwi Crate.

      For us, it is usually about the experience that day/that week and we don’t hang on to a lot of crafts. I take pictures of the favorites and put some in scrapbooks, then toss the rest.

      We love the experience, the teachable lessons and the creating, but hanging on to every creation is just not something we do. Because yes, clutter is a CONSTANT battle.

      Also, if we don’t do a Kiwi Crate project right away, I put it in a large ziplock, place it in a rubbermaid and save it for another day. That way I don’t have a bunch of cardboard boxes hanging around.

      Hope this helps!

    3. We love Kiwi Crate and subscribed after getting the free sample that Jessica mentioned once upon a time. I, too, struggled with the idea of creating more clutter and questioned what to do with all the stuff. Truly for us, it’s all about the experience, using the awesome high-quality art materials, and the time to do something fun together. We keep the projects for a while, some longer than others, and often they eventually find their way to the garbage/recycling. Some things we pack away as holiday decorations (luminaries, candles, ornaments, etc). And there are always extra supplies that we store in a big Kiwi Crate bin to use for other crafts.

      1. Yes to extra supplies! They are always so great to include markers, glue, scissors, etc. Thank you for sharing your experience.

  2. I tried to place an order for a kiwi crate at 7:30pm Dec 16 and received a message that the creative50 code was no longer valid. I tried twice and got the same message. So disappointed!

    1. Hi Vicki – I just tested it and it seems to be working. You do need to do the subscribe option. Is that what you clicked?

      1. Thank you for the quick reply, Jessica!! That’s the part I missed – I chose a one time purchase rather than the subscription….so sorry! It all makes sense if you read the directions, doesn’t it ?! Thank you!

  3. We love Kiwi Crate at our house. We have gotten this for my first grade boy for several months because he loves to craft. I just ordered the doodle crate for my 3rd grade girl and the koala crate for my 4-year-old boy as christmas gifts (with great sales for our first month just to try it out). Thank you for introducing this company to our family. I love to craft with my kids, but having 3 and working full-time, I don’t have time to pull everything together and craft. This is so easy and simple and I love that I don’t have to gather all the craft supplies!!

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