1. Hope to get to be part of the launch team. I was just talking with friends and family members about this very topic the other day so I can’t wait to read your take on it. I use “fringe hours” all the time to get things done and for a little “me” time. Thanks for the possible opportunity to read the book ahead of time…I always love reading new books when I have time! Congrats on your launch!

  2. Thank you so much for the advance copy of The Fringe Hours, I loved, loved, loved the book and have already posted a review on FB. I was driving through Nashville (on my way from our home in Atlanta to my parents’ home in KY) while I was devouring the book. You have so many great, actionable items-I just loved it. Perhaps I’m missing something but I didn’t see where I could write a review on Amazon. A wonderful couple bought my grandmother’s home, after she passed away, which is next door to my parents. Her granddaughter is 8 and is best friends with my son who is 11 and Denise and I have become good friends. We were visiting and I was raving about your book. She said that sounds so familiar and in fact had already pre-ordered your book which was recommended on Crystal Paine’s website. I let Denise borrow my book until we leave on Saturday so she doesn’t have to wait so long to read it! I’m actually going to order a copy for my husband’s daughter. While I quickly thought about your thought provoking questions, I didn’t take the time to answer them fully because I was so excited about continuing your book. So now, I’m going to go back and really spend time on those questions.

    After following your blog for years, I was curious where you worked and found the answer in your book! What an incredible place! I have both my BA & MBA from there and worked in Nashville for several years for EY.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. You are not able to leave reviews on Amazon until the book releases. So appreciate you spreading the word!

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