3 Ways to Make Time for Yourself in the New Year
One of the things I often hear from women is I don’t know have enough time for __________ – whatever they want to do for themselves.
That fact is one of the reasons I wrote The Fringe Hours: Making Time for You.
Next week, (in)courage is going to offer exclusive, not-yet-released Fringe Hours content, a free printable, and more via an exclusive email campaign. This content will not be available anywhere on the web!
Use the form below or click here to sign up now.
The first email will go out January 27. I can’t wait for you to get a taste of the book and discover three ways to make time for yourself this year. It’s easy and will impact you in so many positive ways.
(Also, if you haven’t pre-ordered the book, go ahead and do that too. It’s only $9 and you won’t be charged until it ships in February. You are going to love The Fringe Hours!)