1. Love this. I’m an extrovert and really thrive when meeting new people etc. I love groups like this even though, yes, it definitely can be a pain to get out of the house and find somewhere for the little people to be etc.

  2. I can definitely relate to the first comment you share. I struggle with feeling guilty if I want to go spend time with friends rather than hanging out with the kids since I’ve been at work. It makes me feel like I’m being selfish or prioritizing my own needs over theirs. Not to mention, there are some people in my life who just love to jump on the chance to call me out of this kind of decision and use it as a further prof that I am not parenting the way I should be. Ugh.

  3. I have to admit that I live in a community that embraces mom time. Every weekend there is a party to attend. Every Thursday, there is a restaurant invite running around for drinks. I recognize how special it is and I dive in with open arms!!

  4. My community embraces mom time, too. I’ve just always been someone who doesn’t always participate and it’s something I’m hoping to change this year. I always have an excuse of being too busy or too much work or too much to do with the kids. My best friends are still some of the girls I grew up with and that time with them has become my treasured and cherished time. Dinner, drinks or coffee. We’re ALL moms now, so it’s wonderful. I’ve also reconnected with some college girlfriends and it’s been wonderful b/c we’re seeing each other in a different light now – as moms. But I know being with a community of moms helps me and makes me a better mom, too. xoxo

  5. I want to live in Vera’s community! LOL. But yes, I do try to make time for community although sometimes I tend to hibernate. I have a group of neighbors who pull me out and I am so thankful for them. I’ve been feeling pretty down lately, so recently I started reaching out and making plans with people. It has helped SO much already. Community is SO important.

  6. You look BEAUTIFUL – as always. I loved this a lot. A head’s up, however. this one went directly to another video right after it – one about guilt. Did you know that would happen?? Maybe you’re wanting to release over time? Not a problem for me to see you/hear you again, but maybe that was not your intention.

  7. This was just the push I was needing to start attending a woman’s prayer/bible study. Thank you for the reminder that making time for you isn’t just for time alone!

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