1. We must be kindred spirits as my fringe hours also include making Shutterfly items – I’ve made literally dozens over the years for our family (our kids love looking at their own photo books from trips & parties!) and as gifts for extended family members. Literally, just Saturday night I was up until 1:30am making a special photo book for our daughter that I know she will LOVE! And…besides, what Grandma wouldn’t love a custom notepad or card with a photo of all her grandchildren on it? (;

  2. Jessica: I came across your book after reading another blog. I have to say I’ve read alot of books about finding balance, creating margins, saying no when you want to say yes…..and your book is the first to make me feel like I’m sitting across a table talking to a friend. Your words and writing are inspiring, thank you for getting me started on my path to taking care of myself (and not feeling guilty about it).

  3. How SWEET of you and Shutterfly!! If we signed up last Monday and didn’t hear from Shutterfly, can we assume we weren’t in the first 10,000? Thanks so much!

    1. The email with the code will be coming from me and let’s just say my technology skills aren’t quite as cool as Shuterfly’s. 🙂 Working on the getting all the codes out in the next few days!

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