1. I clearly remember your wonderful post about this from last year. Shared on Facebook and I will be going swimming with my kids this summer!

  2. This post that tells the story of love and joy. This story is about what really matters!

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom and joy.

  3. Went through the same thing myself this year, just a few weeks ago when our new neighborhood pool opened. My daughters were begging to go to the pool all week so one Sunday afternoon, after church, myself and my youngest daughter headed to the mall for Mommy to try on swimsuits. I was surprised I found two I really liked (after many, many awful ones as well!) We went to the pool that afternoon – and many, many times since – and had a blast!! I go to the pool and enjoy the time with my kids and the time just being outside and don’t even think about how I may look to others in my swimsuit. Time is too precious to be bothered by what others may think!!

  4. Such a wonderful post. I would love to know the brand of swimsuit you are wearing. I, too, have a monstrous chest, and I need the kind of support you are getting in your swimsuit. My grandchildren are always grabbing the suit to “hold on”…..while I am hoping to “hold that chest in!”

    Enjoy your blog so much. Thank you!

  5. I read your post, and the photos really spoke to me. I, too, dreaded the trip to look for The Bathing Suit. But after I read your post, I decided to look at the bright side of things. Amazingly, I found not only a Beautiful, Colorful, Comfortable Suit, but a matching Cover Up, a bright Scarf to tie on my Sun Hat, Flip Flops, and Sarong Wrap Skirt (all matching the suit perfectly). My final receipt showed 50% off, so I bought all of these items for the price I had planned to pay for the bathing suit. Now I can’t wait to take the kids to the Pool! Thank you for helping me see the cup as half full!!!

  6. I’m the heaviest I have been in awhile but I suck it up (and in) and got a few suits in the spring – the ones that lift up the girls and hide the thighs (sort of) and first day of the season I was in the freezing pool. My kids don’t care & neither do my friends. We have a pool in our neighborhood and spend all summer at it so its dive in or miss out as you said. And to be honest going down the slide or jumping off the diving board (while praying your suit stays on) is the best part ! Swan Dive!!

  7. Jessica- I love your posts. I have the Kiwi Krate being delivered to my grandchildren because of you and countless other things are happening because of you.
    Off the topic, I have been frantically searching for a new pair of sunglasses with no success. We leave to go out of the country in 2 weeks. I happen to see Angie Smith in the sunglasses I have been looking for. I know you two are friends would you be kind enough to ask her what brand and where she got them from please.
    Thank you and God bless you !

  8. I so needed this– Thank you!! I’m having 5 eye surgeries this summer and have to “take it easy” and not be active. But I can go to the pool with my daughter. Thanks for reminding me not to stress about the lack of exercise (combined with suit wearing) and to enjoy the moment with family– and focus on what I CAN do.

  9. What fabulous photos of you with your kids. You are sooooo beautiful!!!

    I HATE swimsuit shopping, so I literally don’t do it.

    I only order swimsuits from Lands’ End online so I never have to try them on. They fit well and last forever. In fact I still wear this pink one that I’m wearing in this photo from 2011

    I’m sadly 15 lbs heavier now than I was in that photo, but the swimsuit still fits fine. (I just don’t look as thin in it.)

  10. The best part of this post is the absolute joy I see on your face and your children as you enjoy those shrieks and laughter from your children. Beautiful words and a beautiful you!

  11. Two summers ago when I was three months postpartum with baby number 7 we went on vacation. Living on a cattle ranch, swimming isn’t something we get the opportunity to do often, but while on vacation there were a number of opportunities. I almost didn’t put my swimsuit in the suitcase because, well, honestly I was thinking thoughts like “There ain’t nobody wants to see that!” I put it in anyway. I can’t begin to describe how much fun two of my younger children and I had in the few minutes we squeezed time in for swimming one morning. Two years later we all still remember our time swimming and want to do it again. Just as you shared in your writing, my children honestly didn’t care that their mother is obese. They were simply ecstatic that I was playing with them in the pool. Thank you for this wise reminder. I needed it this morning.

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