1. We’re starting swim lessons at the end of this month – Mommy AND baby because I still don’t feel very confident in my skills! This is so great that your kids are doing so well at it

  2. Ms. Glenda is amazing! I was so impressed watching that video. My big kids have taken lessons in the past (including survival swim lessons for my oldest when he was only 20 months old), but nothing recently. It is SO important and this inspiring me to look into some local lessons.

  3. We started my boys (ages 3 and 5)with swimming lessons at the end of the school year. Both were anxious and my 3 year old cried for the first three lessons. We continued them through the crying and I am so glad. I have seen such improvement with them both. Our instructor teaches a safety first program and I love it! Good luck with swimming Turner family!


  4. I raised three girls and they all were avid swimmers by the age of 5. The always were around pools. We moved to Florida when my youngest was 5 . There was a neighborhood swim team. She wanted to join. She was swimming all 4 strokes by the end of the week. She went on to be in the junior Olympics as a teenager.
    Our 6 year old grandson took 2 lessons at the YMCA last year. He was jumping off the diving board at 3 years old into the deep end and would doggy paddle to the side. None of my kids have ever been afraid of the water. Luke who is 6 is now on the local swim team and just finished his first swim meet. He even swam the 100 meter backstroke beating some 10 year olds. He learns fast and doesn’t like to lose. Watch out Michael Phelps.
    Best thing ever is swimming!!

  5. both of my older kids took some lessons as babies but then I kind of ran out of steam taking them so they haven’t had formal instruction in a while. My 10 year old is on the summer swim team, and was last year. This year her five year old sister is also. They are both slow, and usually last, but nobody cares least of all them – the 10 year old just gets out of the pool and dries off enough so that she can start reading again 🙂

  6. What a gift to be able to give them- to take away any fear of the water and rather to be able to appreciate it and feel like they can conquer it! Both my kids take swimming lessons each summer just to keep their skills sharp and it truly is the gift that keeps on giving.

  7. Infant swim resource self-rescue (ISR) classes are a great way to get kids to learn how to stay alive if they fall in the water. They do not understand that is what they are doing, but it is such a good program. Our oldest took the class when he was 18 months old and it makes me feel safer around a pool knowing he would know how to float and flip in order to get to the side of the pool/body of water if he needed to.

    1. Oh, and they are available in US and locally in Nashville. Can I ask for Glenda’s info? I know quite a few mommies here who are looking for patient, loving instructors.

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