1. Hi Jessica! This is too cute! I love the idea of having a treasure hunt at a kid’s Birthday party. My older son turns 5 in January and I think a hunt of some kind would be great for his age. Right now he’s saying he wants a Batman party but we will see what kind of party he wants to have when it rolls around. I’ll just have to figure out some sort of super hero type of hunt that we can do indoors. Thanks for sharing the great details of the fairy party!

    1. SO fun! Have you seen the super hero party I did a few years ago for Elias? The pin the mask game would be great indoors.

  2. Jessica-
    This is Wonderful! I love all the games and treasure hunt ideas! You have inspired my weary, worn out brain to reach for the stars for our next birthday party! Thank you, and fyi, I plan to visit Target tonight to purchase your new book!

    – Blue

  3. Hello Jessica. I am planning my daughter fairy treasure birthday and searching online i found your great party.
    One question….what did you do with the boys brothers? I will have few brothers enjoying the party and I think will be so boring for them just watch the fairies running around….
    I will appreciate your tips.

    1. I had houses for the boys to paint too. They did not participate in the fairy scavenger hunt – they just ran around and were, well, boys 🙂

  4. Hey Jessica,

    Cute Party! I was wondering did you make those big mushrooms or order the?
    If you made them I would love the tutorial if you have it and if you ordered them could I get the website info?

    God Bless,

    1. I made them. The white stumps are PVC pipes and the tops are mesh pots spray painted red with white felt dots. Hope that helps!

  5. Pingback: Cards Blog
  6. Great ideas! I just did a Fairy tea party with girls ranging in ages 5 – 10. also one of the brothers joined us as super hero. I did a small treasure hunt with them in the house due to bad weather. At each place setting, there was a floral fairy crown. I also had gift bags for the girls and their moms. In the girls bags there was a small gardening set, gardening glove and netting for the Sweet Peas seeds. Also a necklace with their initial on them. A small saucer with their initials and I located a fairy colouring book and included coloured pencils. I gave them out at the end of the party and they were thrilled with all the goodies in them.

  7. Superb. Exactly what I was looking for my daughter’s 3rd birthday party. She is obsessed with princesses and I hope it will turn out good. Fingers crossed as she doesn’t like to share yet ! Period

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