1. Hi there- just wondered if u had thought of using an Ambynest for your little one? My little boy was prem and had bad silent reflux and it was the only thing that worked other than both if us sleeping upright together!!! It is a hammock which can swing/ Rock and bounce- will fit right next to your bed so you can lazily extend an arm occasionally. But most importantly u can position them almost upright because of the enclosed hammock design. It saved my life once but didn’t work with my daughter at all- they are all so different! It just sounded like with the reflux he may have got into a habit of wanting to be upright so something with a similar feeling that u can gradually re-position to a more normal lying down position might help????? They have them on eBay here in the UK and I know they even use them in hospitals in Australia/ not sure about the US- sorry.
    Good luck

    1. I have never heard of this before, but looks amazing! I don’t think we have them here, though maybe I could find one on ebay. That said, with him being six months, I think we have to get him used to a crib, especially since he sleeps in one at day care too.

      Thank you so much for mentioning it! I know it will help other overseas readers.

  2. We found that it wasn’t so much the seat as the environment. I took to putting the bouncy seat in the crib and letting him nap in his bouncy seat, but in the crib. He got used to the environment and gradually got used to being flat.

  3. Same as Sarah I think all my kids slept in car seat or bouncy in crib for many months. My oldest past 6 months for sure. She was just not a good sleeper flat on back. “This too shall pass”.
    My 4 yr old is a range of emotions as well – so crazy! I keep saying he’ll grow out of it & I think it has more to do with being around me vs everyone else. B/c everyone else says “he’s so calm and doesn’t have temper tantrums ?!?!? What child are they watching is my response!

    1. Crystl, we are called to help and serve each other. I help/serve my wife. My wife helps/serves me. We are 100% equals in our marriage, just as God created us to be.

  4. I have wanted to read this since it released. I’ll have to check the shelf on my next Target run!

  5. I love this post and these photos! Thanks for sharing your life and providing so much inspiration.

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