1. Great tips! I used to pride myself on how much I could read each year but since the baby I have hardly read anything. It’s true that when I am waiting or have a few minutes, I tend to check in on social media instead of catching up on a book yet somehow it never leaves me feeling as refreshed as getting lost in a good story does.

  2. Truth. And I’m not even on facebook!
    “Social media can be a BIG time suck. By limiting my time checking in on social media, it gave me more time to read.”

    I watch shows on my ipad when I am blow drying my hair or doing make-up!! Will read instead!

  3. Love this! I love to read too and I also read while I am blow drying my hair or while I am waiting in school parking lots for my kids to get out of their after school activities. Thanks for the book recommendations!

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