1. FYI, if you buy the Kindle version of the Outlander books, you can add narration to them for $3.99 (all but book 6), which is a fantastic price for owning the audiobook. The books are Whispersync for Voice enabled, so you can switch back and forth between the audiobook and the Kindle version and it will keep your place. I’ve done this, and then used my Audible credits for other books I wanted to listen to.

    Also, I don’t think you’ve mentioned using an e-reader before. If you don’t, you would love the Kindle Paperwhite. PSA: It’s especially wonderful for large books (like the Outlander series) since you don’t have to physically hold the book and keep your place, and you can set it down and still see your page. I like that the screen doesn’t bother my eyes like a tablet, and I can read in bright sunlight with no glare and no washout. And, I love being able to have a ton of books with me, minus the mass/volume. Plus, I can check out e-books through my local library, so I don’t have to buy everything I read. I was a diehard real book person but I’m a total convert. My Paperwhite was worth every penny, and then some 🙂

    1. Thank you so much for suggesting the kindle/audio option! I will definitely look into that. I do have a Paperwhite, though I haven’t used it much. Because I look at screens SO much for work, I prefer physical books. When I read on kindle, it tends to be on my phone or ipad. I just haven’t gotten used to my kindle device, but maybe I need to charge it and try again! 🙂 Really appreciate your thoughtful comment.

  2. YES!!! I loved the audio version of Outlander! The narrator is fantastic! I’ve only listened to book 1, but I’m getting ready to request book 2 at the library. I’m old school and still check out audio cds from the library 😉

    1. I was just talking to a friend about this. You really should try audible – you can listen to a lot more if you can carry your phone with you! 🙂 Gone are the days of discmans, though I carried mine a lot in college – ha! I wish I had discovered audiobooks then.

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