1. My biggest laundry struggle is I have to use commercial machines and it is very expensive. I love doing laundry, and would wash everything all the time, I’d love to wash my curtains more often, etc., not just clothes.

  2. waiting to every piece of clothing is dirty where the laundry pile turns into the most biggest job is my laundry struggle.

  3. My husbands socks. I can never get them white enough. Especially during
    summer months. He cuts a lot of grass and gardens.

  4. My biggest laundry struggle is separating clothes so that I don’t get “fuzzies” on my shirts from towels or fleece jackets.

  5. I don’t have any struggles now. I do a large load of laundry every single day 7 days a week. That way it’s always caught up and no piles anywhere. If you just do one load a day you won’t mind it nearly as much as when you let it pile up on you. Then it becomes overwhelming and will feel like a chore.

  6. I am good with the actual washing part. But I loathe putting laundry away. Sometimes the clean laundry pile gets “Everest” like before I feel compelled to put it away.

  7. I biggest struggle is sorting all the laundry and putting all right colors in the right loads

  8. Keeping up with the volume of laundry our family creates! I can usually do ok with washing, drying and folding. It’s the putting away that gets me. It’s not uncommon in our home for laundry to sit folded in a basket for a few days. I typically do most laundry at night after the kids go to bed, so by the time it’s folded, it’s either time for me to go to bed or I put mine and my husband’s away, but can’t put my kids’ away because they are sleeping.

  9. getting the stains out and not messing up the clothes like ill wash them to much or something to that nature and i have to use non color bleach i add bleach like its water and ive messed up my clothes before thinking i was doing good

  10. My biggest struggle is that it is never done. I love to wash and dry, just hate folding and convonxing my kids to put them away nicely after I spent all that time cleaning and folding.

  11. My biggest laundry struggle is dealing with stains, mostly grease, oil from hubby and son working on their vehicles.

  12. My biggest laundry struggle is the sheer volume. I feel like my loveseat is just this neverending laundry couch of things to fold and/or put away.

  13. My biggest struggle is finding the time during the week to do laundry that has accumulated. I hate saving it all for the weekend.

  14. My struggle is trying to keep the dark and white clothing and linens separated so everything comes out as bright as possible.

  15. My biggest laundry struggle are food stains that I don’t see and can’t treat until I am ready to do laundry.

  16. The sheer mass of clothing my family goes through in a single day! Keeping on top of it is a tough job.

  17. My biggest struggle is getting everyone to please empty your pockets and throw dirty clothes in the hamper.

  18. I do at least 4 loads of laundry a day. Regular clothes,whites,towels and wash rags and grease clothes of my husband and son. My other son does laundry daily too.

  19. I hate hang drying stuff! I have to hang dry the majority of my clothes and it’s such a pain in the butt!

  20. My biggest laundry struggle is just fighting the urge to throw all the things together to wash and dry on cold and medium. I hate adjusting and separating…

  21. Just trying to stay on top of the laundry can be overwhelming sometimes. Keeping everything washed, dried and put away day after day after day.

  22. My biggest laundry struggle is that my I think my washing machine eats socks. LOL! I don’t understand how pairs go in but come out always missing one or two.
    I really do not like folding clothes.

  23. My biggest laundry struggle is putting it up after I’ve washed and folded everything! Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. My biggest laundry struggle is trying to teach my husband and kids that wearing something once does not mean it’s dirty and needs to be washed!

  25. My biggest struggle is getting from the clean basket to put away. I don’t like living out of a laundry basket though so it gets done.

  26. My biggest struggle is grease and oil stains in my son’s jeans. He works on small engine repair — comes home covered in grease.

  27. My biggest laundry struggles is the men in the family. From 13 to 62 there is not a day they don’t come in with new stains from the shop or new ground in dirt from playing!

  28. I think it’s the putting away of the laundry that is the biggest chore. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

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