1. Thank you for this post! I’m really struggling with the upcoming summer. We’re doing camps and I’ve hired a babysitter for some days so my kids can get to the pool. I just want to be the one at the pool with them, but that’s not an option this year. I’ve always thought of doing a summer bucket list and have forgotten about it — thanks for the reminder. I think this will help me realize we can have fun as a family this summer!

  2. What a great post. I needed this. I work too and was wishing I didn’t so I can spend the summer w/ my girls. But like you said, the kids love going to camp and going on a different field trips and making new friends.
    We will definitely be making a bucket list. Thanks for the great advice!!! 🙂

  3. Thank you for this post. Yes, I have working mom guilt/jealousy quite a bit in the summer so this is a good reminder.

  4. Thank you for this! I go through this every summer. Growing up my mom was a teacher and was home with us every summer and we were at the pool everyday. Now, my boys barely know how to swim and they are stuck at a camp everyday. Its tough. I feel like they are missing out because I had such a good childhood doing what I did. But we do need to remember that they will still have fun and they don’t know any different. This is OUR way of doing things, and I still love my kids and they will be just fine. My husband tells my crazy self all the time, “they are FINE, Paige.”

  5. Jessica, my boys are 15 and 16 and I still make a summer bucket list. For us it isn’t a “Summer to do list” it is simply a reminder of fun things we can do as a family. Big things, little things, not many expensive things and many cheap things. A reminder that we don’t have to break the bank or spend the entire day out but we do need to make time to do things together. A short walk to get a $2 ice cream cone, a free slurpee at 7-11 on July 11th, free concerts in the park, sleepovers with cousins, a relaxing breakfast on the patio. And we do have the zoo, camping, going downtown, go-karts. Life gets busy and we need those reminders to slow down and enjoy our family no matter how old the kids are and what our work schedule is. Thanks for the post and the reminder about quilt and jealousy.

  6. I’m not even a mom and I’m jealous of those moms having beautiful daily adventures with their children during the summer 😉 I really love this post and I always enjoy hearing your thoughts on being a mom and working full-time outside the home. It gives me hope that should I ever had kids, I’ll be able to somehow manage both. It sounds like you and your family have a great summer ahead of you!

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