1. My kids get no fun alone screentime on a school night…like Xbox or video games or iPad time. We might have a movie or tv show together if everything is going well that day. The weekends are for screentime. And when they play on a video game we have a timer to limit them otherwise neither of us knows how long it’s been! No screens before school and on non-school days we have a checklist of things to do before screens. No one has their own devise or anything in their own bedrooms. We share all screens and only have one TV. It all sounds so primitive when I type it out but it totally works for us!!

    1. I’m glad I can tell my daughters I’m not the only one with these rules!!

      They do have their own iPads but they are locked down where nothing can be downloaded without our permission and their internet has controls on what they can access.

      I do think I like the idea of time blocking their weekend access and ensuring they do some outside playing and imaginative play also!

  2. We have recently had a crack down on screen time for my 2.5 year old (wed’d been leaning on it to get us through multiple illnesses) and his behaviour has improved so much. He is only allowed the iPad on long journeys and has two tv shows a day (so about 20 minutes total).

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