HOT DEAL: When God Made Light for $6.99
If you haven’t bought When God Made Light yet, run and order a copy on Amazon right now. It’s just $6.99. We have never seen it this low before. Buy a copy for you, for a loved one and to keep on hand for the next baby shower you attend.
Here’s what people are saying about When God Made Light
Where to begin? I’ve said it before (when MPT’s ‘When God Made You” came out a few years ago and I bought 8 copies), these two books by Matthew and illustrated delightfully by David Catrow, absolutely take the top spots in classic children’s literature for a modern world. I don’t like to say something is ‘better than’, but for me, these are my ‘go-to’ books for gifts to new parents and young families. They topple ‘I’ll Love You Forever’, ‘Goodbye Moon’ and ‘The Velveteen Rabbit’.
Matthew’s simple phrasing and endearing thoughts include an honor and respect for both the Lord God and also for our unique selves. He conveys to adults and children alike that God is for us, He loves us, He made us in His image, and He plans on following through with all His promises. God wants us to enjoy ourselves, enjoy His creation, and every day, God wants us to begin again a grand adventure with Him and with each other.
When it comes to truths about myself and God, there is a big difference between *knowing* and *feeling*. This book, along with MPT’s previous book “When God Make You”, uses beautiful language and rhymes that made me, an adult, feel so incredibly loved, affirmed, and encouraged. It is so encouraging to have a positive book like this to share with children to help them feel these truths too. And perfectly complementing the story, the illustrations are beautiful and they convey a sense of wonder with God and the world.
If you have kids at home, just snatch this book up. If it’s you by your lonesome, snatch this book up. It’s a gorgeous book of the story of light that whisks you up into a burst of encouragement when you’re not even looking for it. I love it when books are made with care, and this one has love poured through each word and each illustration. I’m going to have to buy another copy for my boys because this one is staying on my bedside table.