The Kids Right Now: Summer 2018
The kids last day of school was Thursday, so I thought I would do a little update post on them right now. They are growing so fast and I have been weepy about it lately (especially after reading this Jen Hatmaker post about her graduating daughter). We are writing our summer bucket list today and are looking forward to making a lot of memories together. I’ve included some Amazon afiliate links in case your kids are the same ages and might have the same favorites.
Name: Elias
Age: Almost 10 (birthday in July/ planned party theme: Dude Perfect)
Favorite school subject: Math
Favorite books: Magic Treehouse series, Story Treehouse series, Dogman series, Captain Underpants
Favorite things to do: Soccer, playing chess, Pokemon cards
Favorite thing to wear: Messi jersey
Favorite toy: Beyblade
Favorite show: Dude Perfect
Favorite movie: Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Most looking forward to this summer: Having sleepovers, a visit from his cousin Christian and going to camp
Name: Adeline
Age: Almost 7 (birthday in June/ planned party theme: Unicorn Spa Sleepover)
Favorite school subject: Art
Favorite books: When God Made You, Sweet Valley Kids (she has a set from my childhood), Clementine series
Favorite things to do: Color with mommy, sing, soccer, doing crafts and kiwi crates
Favorite thing to wear: Twirly sundresses
Favorite toy: Shopkins, LOL Surprise Dolls and anything American Girl
Favorite show: Teen Titans Go
Favorite movie: The Greatest Showman
Most looking forward to this summer: The pool, sleepovers and going to the beach
Name: Ezra
Age: 3.5
School: Preschool
Favorite books: Dr. Seuss, Elmo Search and Find, anything Star Wars
Favorite things to do: Play with cars, play with Star Wars toys, say the word poop and shake his butt
Favorite thing to wear: Character shirts especially Mickey and Star Wars
Favorite toy: Darth Vader and Storm Trooper
Favorite show: Masha and Bear (on Netflix)
Most looking forward to this summer: Hanging with his brother and sister (he thinks he is a big kid!)
If you haven’t documented your kids lately, take a minute to write their favorites. You will look back and be so glad you did.