1. My kids are 43 and 40… with kids of their own. Yes it is fast moving. Time is not our friend. Our oldest grand daughter was 2 Pounds 11 ounces at birth. Preemie. Nicu time for three weeks. Coming home at 3 pounds 9 ounces. She is now…
    19 and driving. Five other grand babies joined us. We are older, wiser grandparents now. Life happens to all of us.

  2. I still have a baby bootie in my sock drawer that was mixed in with my laundry years ago (my children are now 10, 12 and 14). It may stay forever. Sigh, sometimes I catch my breath when I remember the details of a day long ago, when things were much simpler. Yet I’m so grateful to continue witnessing the unfolding of their lives. Each moment is a gift, including this one.

  3. We recently sent our crib with Helping Hands to Africa. We bought it when our daughter was born, 40 years ago. It hads been here for 2 children and 5 grandchildren. I certainly feel your pain

  4. Yes to all this. I have a 10,7, and by little guy turns 4 on Saturday. He i s also our last It feels like I’ve been mothering a toddler for ten years straight, but I also don’t want it to be over. It feels full, right and also poignant. Loss and gain, ends and beginning, they all go together.

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