Games for $5-$8 on Amazon
Amazon has a bunch of games marked down to $5-$8 right now. This is a great chance to buy some Christmas presents or stock up for birthday parties. Some of the games are priced so low because they are add-ons, which means they ship with any $25 order.
Clue: $5.36 (reg. $12.99) My kids are REALLY into Clue.
Trouble: $8.77 (reg. 12.99)
Connect 4: $5.36 (reg $12.99)
Perfection Game: $5.20 (reg $10.99)
Hungry, Hungry Hippos: $8.88 (reg. $21.99)
Don’t Step in It: $8.99 (reg. $21.99): This is one of this year’s hottest games, which I think is hilarious since it is all about not stepping in poop.
Jenga: $7.47 (reg. $14.99) My kids play this every week.
Hi Ho Cherry-O: $6.99 (reg $14.99) I bought this for Ezra!
Candy Land: $7.49 (reg $14.99)
Twister: $8.88 (reg $19.99)
Yahtzee: $5 (reg $12.99) This is one of our family’s favorite games.
HedBanz: $5.30 (reg $19.99)
RummyKub: $5.64 (reg. $17.99)
Guess Who: $7.98 (reg. $12.99)