1. Like you, we’ve also donated financially for many years, but it was important for me to have my children make an impact in the community we live in. Our winters are cold in WI and our community has a warming shelter that is open from November-March for the homeless. Families and groups can sign up to make dinner for the guests (max if 40 each night). We’ve done this several times and have gotten to know some of the guests by name. We LOVE being able to put a smile on there face and warm food in their bellies. My daughter will usually write encouraging notes for each guest to take with them as a reminder that no matter their circumstances, they still matter. We just served them last night. It warms my heart.

  2. My daughter and I are a part of the National Charity League. It’s an organization where mothers and teen daughters serve and volunteer in their communities together. I was finding that we, too, were just donating money and not time. NCL requires teams to volunteer a minimum of 15 hours each year. Our chapter has a list of charities that can use your time, so it encourages us to try many different non-profits (most of which we didn’t even know existed).

  3. We volunteer at Room In The Inn, it’s a ministry that serves the homeless. We serve our guests dinner and join them at the table. It’s been amazing watching our kids interact with people outside their own environment. Our family looks forward to serving at RITI events, our church has partnered with other local churches to provide this nightly shelter.

  4. Jessica. My grandson and I make lunches for the people at a homeless shelter each week. We make sack lunches that go in a fridge for the homeless that live in the shelter and have missed lunch due to their jobs, appointments or something else. Luke makes notes ahead of time and places them in each bag. He LOVES it and looks forward to do it each week. We also spend time talking to the people that live there including the 100 plus kids. Most of the kids are in school at the time we go. Luke goes to school three days a week and then homeschools two days. WE always talk about different things that we can do and take the next week that we go. We buy the food that we prepare. We were both pretty sad at the quality of the food that they have, We love it that we can give them “healthy’ food once a week with a ‘love’ note inside. Luke writes different verses and tells them how much God loves them.

  5. Idea for nursing home at Christmas is to decorate their doors. I organize this with our 3rd/4th graders every year at our school. Kids decorate the doors (w/adult help) and make cookies for residents and meet after in their social hall. You could probably do for any holiday. Also bingo !

  6. I used to host my Mom’s group at the nursing home once a month…oh, the people would hold our babies and tell us all about their child raising years. In the summer we would have a splash party in the outdoor courtyard. I just love this article and it has reminded me how wonderful this is. I am inspired to go back with my older children and try some these great ideas.

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