DEAL: Pick one of 2019’s Best Books for $5 + free shipping
Recommending great books to people is my favorite thing. When Book of the Month reached out to me in July about their September releases, my interest was piqued about two titles – Wild Game and This Tender Land. I read them both in advance and they ended up being two of the best books I have read in 2019. After reading them I wanted to do something to get them in your hands. I asked if I could do an exclusive crazy deal for you and they said YES! Literally, you cannot get this deal from anyone else! 🙂 This post contains affiliate links.
So here’s the deal – if you don’t subscribe to Book of the Month, you can sign up this month and get Wild Game or This Tender Land for just $5+ free shipping . I cannot believe I get to offer this to you. Wild Game is $22 and This Tender Land is $18 on Amazon and you can get either one for $5. Trust me when I tell you, you will LOVE either one of these books.
This Tender Land
Hands down, this will be in my top 5 reads of 2019. It is the fiction book I want to press into everyone’s hands and force to the top of their TBR stacks. If you loved Where the Crawdads Sing, you will love This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger even more. Written by the author of the bestselling Ordinary Grace and set in the early 1930s, This Tender Land is an epic journey of four orphans who escape from an abusive school in Minnesota to make a better life for themselves. I read A LOT of historical fiction and haven’t read ANYTHING like This Tender Land in terms of period, circumstances or characters. It’s a work of art.
The main characters are rich, deep and unforgettable. You will be sucked in from the very first pages and marvel when you finish the last. The people the orphans meet are diverse – from struggling farmers to a band of traveling faith healers to suffering families, giving the story tremendous additional depth. And, like in Crawdads, the Midwest landscape is its own character.
Every year there is just one or two fiction books that I pretty much force every person I know to read. This year, This Tender Land is one of those books for me. I loved, loved, LOVED it.
(Also, the author William Kent Krueger loves to join book clubs via Skype. Tell your book club about This Tender Land, send them this post to get it for $5 and invite him to join y’all! My book club gathers in a couple weeks and I am hoping to convince them to pick This Tender Land. I already emailed William to see if he could do January – ha!)
To get This Tender Land for $5 use this link and the code TENDER5 at check out.
Wild Game: My Mother, Her Lover and Me
While I am not a big nonfiction reader, I devoured Wild Game (pun intended). As a mother of three kids, I was dismayed over this true story of the author Adrienne’s relationship with her mother, Malabar. The ways in which Malabar repeatedly crossed lines that should never be crossed was unconscionable.
In Wild Game, Malabar pursues an affair with her disabled husband’s best friend, using her daughter, Adrienne, as a distraction, confidante, and accomplice to keep her relationship a secret and ensure its success. Adrienne’s desire to protect her mother—a deeply flawed but undeniably magnetic woman—and her blindness to the inappropriateness of her mother’s actions is heart-wrenching. I was dumbfounded at the manipulation and selfishness of Adrienne’s mother.
Wild Game is sure to be one of 2019’s must-read memoirs, and fans of The Glass Castle and Educated will love that it is similarly compulsively readable. I read it in 24 hours and am still thinking about it weeks later. You’ll be talking about just that with friends, strangers—anyone who will listen—for a long time.
To get Wild Game for $5 use this link and the code WILD5 at check out.
Which Book Will You Get for $5?
Okay, two FANTASTIC books to chose from. Get one for just $5 + free shipping when you join Book of the Month and use the coupon code WILD5 or TENDER5. (You can add up to two additional books for $9.99 each.)
Book of the Month is my absolute FAVORITE gift to myself and the most affordable way to buy new releases. Each month Book of the Month offers five new releases for subscribers to choose from. If you don’t want to get a book that month, simply skip and you’ll have a credit to use in a future month. The Book of the Month curators have fantastic taste. I have read so many new to me authors and best books of the year thanks to Book of the Month. It is a reader’s dream.