1. Hmmmm… you definitely shouldn’t have been charged anything. Were you charged when you signed up, or did you accidentally buy a book instead of selecting credit? I would contact their customer service department – I am sure they will be able to straighten things out.

      1. Another reader reached out and said that she was “charged” $14.95 but it was just a temporary hold. Yay!

    1. Hey there — the sign up page specifically says “Sign up below to start listening to audiobooks and get your first 2 books free, PLUS a bonus book from our VIP selection” so that shouldn’t be the case. I would contact customer service if you have issues. I definitely got three books!

      1. They must have changed the deal. I tried all the links thinking maybe one had a special deal for your people but they all say get your first book free plus a VIP selection. Two free books is still good but three would be better.

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