3 Embroidery Projects I’m Starting
The winter months are a perfect time to enjoy time inside stitching. I have so many stitching projects waiting to be stitched that I thought I would share what three I am looking forward to stitching this winter. Whether you are a novice embroiderer or a seasoned stitcher, these three projects are sure to keep you busy for hours. Each project is quite different, but all are broken up into bite-sized stitching, which I think is perfect for busy women who are short on time, but crave creative practices. Some links in this post are affiliate links.
Also, some of the projects are taught in Creativebug, which is an online craft class portal. Right now they are offering three months for $1, so if you are looking for instruction to go with your embroidery, definitely check out Creativebug. I think their embroidery teachers and classes are top notch and I am excited to be doing a few.
For more on getting started with embroidery, check out my embroidery beginners blog post here.
Cozy Quilt Stitchalong

I’m so excited about this FREE stitchalong with Celeste from Lemon Made Shop. A stitchalong is when you stitch along with other people to complete the same project in a set period of time.
Celeste is offering this free Cozy Quilt pattern + daily instruction via her Instagram starting on 1/7, but you could do it at any point. I am planning to stitch in real time starting the 7th and am really excited about it.
Also, Celeste has a great embroidery book called Freshly Stitched, which includes multiple projects and step by step stitching guides.
The Schoolhouse Sampler with Rebecca Ringquist

This course is in Creativebug and it is a daily sampler with 31 stitches. I absolutely love Rebecca as a person and respect her as a teacher. I am excited about this class because I think it will push me to learn new stitches and techniques, which is just what I want for the beginning of the year. You can trace the sampler onto cotton fabric, or buy it from Rebecca’s etsy shop (which is what I did).
Here’s the description from Creativebug.
Master embroiderer and fine artist, Rebecca Ringuist, shares 31 days of stitches in our first ever <a href=”https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1942501&u=364168&m=42943&urllink=&afftrack=”>Daily Embroidery Challenge</a>. Using her “Drawing Stitches” sampler as a basis, Rebecca’s embroidery style is vibrant, original, and simple enough for all skill levels to follow along. You’ll start with basic stitches, then move on to groups of stitches that create textural effects, like confetti, fancy chains, zigzags, flowers, and filling stitches. Each day, you’ll expand your knowledge of embroidery and build on techniques to combine elements that look complex but are easy to execute. Best of all, at the end of the month not only will you have learned loads of new techniques, but you’ll also have a finished sampler!
Learn how to:
Hand-sew 31 embroidery stitches
Combine stitches to create new textures and background stitches
Work with a variety of embroidery threads and needles
What you’ll get:
An easy-to-follow class teaching 31 different types of embroidery stitches – at the end of the month, you’ll have a finished sampler!
31 HD video lessons you can access online anytime, anywhere
Itemized supply list
Step-by-step instruction by expert instructor Rebecca Ringquist
The ability to leave comments, ask questions and interact with other students
Embroidered ABC Wall Hanging: A Daily Practice

This is another daily practice embroidery class in Creativebug. I bought the sampler from Lauren’s etsy shop, but you can also simply trace the pattern on cotton fabric. I have had the sampler since last year, so now is the time to get it stitched!
Here’s the description from Creativebug:
Fiber artist Lauren of Lark Rising Embroidery designed this delightful Embroidered ABC Wall Hanging with her own children in mind. Join her in this month-long, nature-inspired embroidery practice that gradually builds your stitching skills, resulting in a treasured heirloom that will bring love and art to any room or nursery. Lauren covers a wide range of embroidery techniques, from line stitches such as stem stitch and split stitch, to fill stitches like satin stitch and French knots. Each day, you’ll learn how to embroider a different picture from the alphabet. When your ABC’s are complete, see how to turn your finished embroidery into a wall hanging to adorn the home of a loved one.
Learn how to:
Make an embroidered a wall hanging with alphabet lettering and corresponding images from nature
Transfer an embroidery design onto fabric
Embroider the straight stitch, back stitch, split stitch, stem stitch, satin stitch, and French knots
Transform your finished embroidery into a felt-backed wall hanging
Free Embroidery Patterns
Interested in more free embroidery patterns? Check out this post, which has all the best resources for free patterns. Also, sign up for my free Blooming Books embroidery pattern and you’ll receive a short email series of embroidery content + be added to my email list.
In the picture of the the Schoolhouse Sampler, you have a small tin of something. Tell me more? I have been embroidering for a year now and I don’t know what this is or what it is for. I’m enjoying my new hobby and look forward to doing more this year! Thank you!
Are the two patterns on creative
Bug only have tutorials available on Creative bug?
I got a small embroidery kit for Christmas and I’m excited to get started! Thanks for the awesome resources!