Craigslist and Fireworks
Yesterday was a great day off! I woke up early, intending to get a lot done before heading out to the 4th of July party we were invited to. The Mercy Ministries flip flop project is this coming Sunday, so I have been working like crazy to get the kits put together for the girls. I worked on them Sunday night and Monday night, and then again yesterday morning. They are coming along nicely. I need to get my template done and buy some more embellishments for the girls. I’ll be heading to JoAnn’s tonight I think.
After working on that for a couple hours it was time to get ready to go get our bookcase. Yes, I bought a bookcase from someone on craigslist for $10! YEA! I was so pumped. It was oak-finish and would serve the purpose of getting rid of the clutter of books we have everywhere around our condo. Our one bookcase has been bulging for the past year, and books have been trickling onto our coffeetable, endtables and anywhere else we could find a home for a few books… SO Matthew and I went to Brentwood and pick up my great find. It is totally perfect. After getting it in the house, I spent an hour filling it up with books. Yep. We had enough books to practically fill it.
Then it was time to go to the party. Bebo and Roshare invited us, and we had a great time. Pool, burgers – your traditional 4th of July party. Then we went to another friend’s house downtown to watch Nashville’s spectacular fireworks. They were awesome (as always). After a long day, we came home and I went promptly to bed. I love July 4th.
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.