Do I have to have a title??
Gosh it has been awhile since my last post. Nothing really new and exciting here in Nashville. I have continued on my quest to get caught up on my scrapbooking, though it seems I never will. Most scrappers go through this though – the feeling that there is never enough time to get it all done. It was easier when I first started out and I would simply glue pictures on pretty paper and add a few stickers… now my standards are so much higher that a layout can easily take me two or three hours. The result is so gratifying though. 🙂 I am entering a few more pgaes for publication, so here’s to hoping that someone selects one!
The Simply Southern Scrapbook Show is in less than three weeks, and I am so pumped. I have been working on 6×6 pages to donate to the Make A Wish kids every night and they are turning out so cute. My goals is to have at least 50, if not more. I don’t think that will be too hard since you can get 4 pages out of one 12×12 sheet.
Matthew and I continue to have tons of work to do. Please be praying for us, especially him during this season of writing. He is working on his latest book, Jesus Needs New PR, which will release in 07.
Well, I better get ready for work. Until next time – peace!