Kansas City: The City of Fountains
I am city in the Kansas City airport right now – blooging in an airport is a first for me! 🙂 I am awaiting my flight back to Nashville after a two-day IABC regional conference. I attended because we won TWO Silver Quill awards for the Alive Hospice campaign – yea!! It was very exciting. The whole Alive project has been such a blessed adventure for me. What a way to “officially” start my career – with an award-winning campaign, featuring a host of celebrities, all for the benefit of a worthwhile organization.
A highlight of being in Kansas City was spending time with my friend Traci. She lives there (though used to live in Nashville), and we got together for a few meals. We also had a slumber party last night at the Intercontinental Hotel. It was good to catch up and hear all the changes that are going on in her life – like she’s probably moving back to Nashville in ’07 and getting married! Very fun.
Did you know Kansas City is known as The City of Fountains? No joke. The only city that has more fountains in all the world is ROME. Very random. I loved seeing all the fountains. Sorry I didn’t have a digital camera, or I would show you some pictures. Trust me though, they were beautiful.
Tonight I have bible study at Fellowship. I neglected to journal much about last week’s study, which was mostly on II Chronicles 18. I will get back on track this week. 🙂 A few highlights though:
*The greatest element of prayer is listening to God.
*Remember that the Lord always leads us faithfully.
*Remember that Jesus knew God better than anyone, yet he prayed.
*When we go to God, we aren’t giving him an new information, but we are opening up the opportunity for God to accomplish his will through us.
*Sometimes we treat God like our slave; we want things done in the way we want. When we pray, the right attitude is to give God the opportunity to do what he wants.
*God uses you in cooperation with him to accomplish his purpose.
Okay, well the cattle call for my Southwest flight is happening, so I better say tootles!!