On Prayer – A Little Delayed, I Know
So, I planned to blog every Tuesday or Wednesday about bible study. It would give me the opportunity to reflect on RoseAnne’s teaching, as well as give those who were not able to attend to read up on RoseAnne’s amazing teaching. Well… this past week that didn’t really happen. Every day was packed and I never seemed to have 30 minutes to write. SO, here it is Monday night and I am finally writing… better late than never. 🙂
As always, RoseAnne had so much great stuff to share. I am blessed every week by what she teaches. The big question she asked: Are you known to be a woman of prayer?
In our world there’s a movement toward detachment, instead of toward communion. Things such as self check-outs, i-pods, and so much more keep us from interacting with others we encounter in our daily lives. We even pray with a sense of detachment – please may I find a parking spot, please may I get this etc – who are we praying to?? Do we even think about it?
**I was totally convicted here because I do this all the time!!
Our God is a relational God, and He always has been. When Adam and Eve hid, he said, “Where are you?”. THAT is relational. (Aside: RoseAnne jokingly proclaimed – “I would have been like, “Adam, come out you little weenie!”
Pslam 50:15 (NASB) says
“Call upon me… and I will rescue you”
When you say the name of Jesus, make him a noun in direct address. Some of us need to change the way we speak.
Psalm 107: 4-7
4They wandered in the wilderness in a desert region;
They did not find a way to an inhabited city.
5They were hungry and thirsty;
Their soul fainted within them.
6Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble;
He delivered them out of their distresses.
7He led them also by a straight way,
To go to an inhabited city.
Some of us are in places in our lives where our souls have fainted – we often don’t think of our souls, we think of our bodies.
The light of Jesus makes us beautiful, and THAT is the glory of God… that is HIS beauty in us.
We need to think beyond “I don’t have what I need.” GOD IS IN CONTROL!
**How often do you think this? I know I do this a lot. I think that I need to control things; that I have things figured out,
or if I only this everything would work out. My humanity gets in the way.
The Lord will woo you, he will draw you. Prayer is about relationship. When we pray scripture, that woos the Lord.
IS 40:17 “I, the Lord will answer them myself.”
The Lord answers them – not someone else. HIM.
So many of worship a theoretical God – one that we don’t think is going to answer – just hope it works. You think he won’t comfort you. He won’t give you water for your thirsty soul. But he will and he does. You have a choice – have a cussing fit or trust God.
Is 41:19-20: I will put the cedar in the wilderness,
The acacia and the myrtle and the olive tree;
I will place the juniper in the desert
Together with the box tree and the cypress,
20That they may see and recognize,
And consider and gain insight as well,
That the hand of the LORD has done this,
And the Holy One of Israel has created it.
In these verses we see God saying – I am going to do this where you think I can’t (plant the trees). Moreover, not only is he putting trees where you cannot find them, he puts very fragrant trees there. We can ask God to do this for and in our lives.
Is 42:16 – God leads the blind. We can’t say that we don’t know God or don’t see God. It’s not an excuse. God even leaves the blind – all must trust in the Lord!
Jer 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Prosperity – we need to remember that all things are done for the glory of God. Even if you are propserous, you must be obedient.
Other verses:
Jer 33:3
2 Corin 4:16-18
Acts 17:22-28
Psalm 107: 23-28
Eph 3:13-19
! Corin 1:29-31
Jer 9:23-24