What a weekend
It sure has been a crazy weekend at the Turners. To start with, Matthew shot three promo videos for his upcoming three books releases (Beatitude: Relearning Jesus Through Truth, Contradiction and a Folded Dollar Bill; Everything Your Parents Didn’t Teach You About Sex; and Everything Your Parents Didn’t Teach You About Christianity.) We had two great guys, Andrew and Aaron, from a video firm in Michigan called Creo in Nashville all weekend. Matthew was at the shoots all day Saturday and Sunday, and half of today as well. Here’s a couple pics taken during the shoot on Saturday.
I caught a bug to get all my scrapbooking embellishments organized. It was getting to the point where I didn’t even know where everything was. I found these great magnetic organizers at Target that adhere to strips of metal, which we nailed to the wall. I bought 20 of them, and they are great. The caps are clear so I can see what embellishments I have, and they are all at my fingertips. I also wound all of my ribbon on round doll pins. All of my cardboard rolls are gone, and I have so much more room in my big ribbon drawer. I found this idea on the CK message board and had to copy it. It is sooo effective. I am loving it already.
This week is the Simply Southern Scrapbook Convention, and I am so excited. I am taking three classes and am volunteering as an assistant in three more! I am entering a layot contest (the theme is couples) and participating in the Make-A-Wish charity project (see earlier post). I have made my Make-A-Wish pages, but haven’t started my couples layout yet. I am going to be doing that Wednesday! YIKES! That is not much time, I know. (Tomorrow (Tuesday) I start bible study, so won’t have much time to work on it then.)
Matthew and I watched Akeelah and the Bee tonight and we loved it. If you haven’t Netflixed this movie yet, you need to. It is a great, feel good movie.
On a sadder and more serious note, my sister broke up with her boyfriend of two years this weekend. Please keep her and my family in your prayers. Though she feels it was the right thing to do, it is still hard to let go. I’ve hated not being able to give her a bear hug in person these past two days!
Well, time to do a little reading before bed. Thanks for reading this rather long post.
Hey roommate.
I’m glad we talked the other night! Matthew looks thinner in these photos! Tell him he looks great. Love you, roommate.