1. yay!! I am the first to comment! 🙂 I am so glad that the trip went well. That is great. I would have asked someone to take my pic too. lol. 🙂 That is awesome about the tour. You must be so proud. 🙂 Newaz…I will talk to ya later!

  2. Jessica!!! I have only been lurking for a few months, so maybe I missed the post about you being in this months issue of Memory Makers..wow the LO was so great and you two look so cute in the picture. So glad to hear you had a safe and uneventful trip..God Bless and have a wonderful visit and a safe ride home..hugs Susan

  3. oh yeah, i meant to say…. jeff won’t ever ask anyone to take our picture for us either, and i’m to shy for some reason.
    so that’s why all our pics are the self-portrait ones taken from arms length, lol!

  4. Glad to hear it all went well with you and Elias in the trip 😀
    I guess ALL husband hate when we ask someone to take our pic :p

  5. Alzheimers is so tough. My great grandfather had it as well. I am so happy to hear your trip is going well :] Your Elias is just so adorable. The paragraph about your husband’s embarrassment made me laugh. A lot of the time it’s the other way around for my boyfriend and I! I start to feel awkward when we ask to have our picture taken :] Hope you’re doin’ well.

  6. Jessica, I can’t tell you how much I love reading your blog! I came over from Angie’s blog when you were in labor and I’ve been hooked ever since! My best friend is pregnant, so I passed the link on to her and she loves it, too. I am hoping and praying to join you in the ranks of motherhood someday soon, so it’s fun to hear it all from your spunky perspective.

    Random fact: I checked out the link for Matthew’s tour and realized that I personally know Scott Phillips! Small world! We went to the same tiny Christian college. I was looking at the ad for the tour, thinking…I know that guy! He was a junior when I was a freshman. If the tour makes it to Houston, I’ll have to say hi!

  7. I am the anonymous commenter, my comment wasn’t meant to be mean. Nursing is a beautiful thing and I don’t think that women should be afraid to do it in public with or without a hider. If baby is uncomfortable with it, ditch it!
    I post anonymous on all blogs due to the fact that they are public…

  8. My little guy hated the sling. We tried the Baby Bjorn, and he spent months happily in it! It was a life saver. I could clean, cook, shop, and run errands with him in it. I think he preferred having the choice of looking although most of the time he fell asleep in it!

  9. My little guy has a great grandma with alzheimer’s as well. It is hard to know that she doesn’t remember who we are or who he is, but it’s ok. We will know that we still visited her and took pictures with her while she was with us. And she’ll look back when she gets to heaven and see how we all still loved her even when she didn’t know us. You’ll cherish those pictures, so keep taking them, and asking people to take them! 😉

  10. I didn’t love the sling either – but I did LOVE my ergo. It’s pricey, but we’re still using it at 15 months and it lets you hold them tummy-tummy. AND your hubby can use it too.

    Glad you had a good trip 🙂

  11. Jessica, I can’t imagine how hard it would be to have a baby knowing that someone so special in your life may not remember him between visits. I’m sorry, even though I know that God has His hand in this…I do know how difficult it must be for your family.

    My Grandma had alzheimer’s, starting in the mid-70’s, and she passed away the summer before we got married.(1988) It wasn’t easy to lose her, but the family did take a collective breath, knowing she was happy again and not in pain and sick! The hardest part was that 3 mo later, 2 mo before our wedding, my Grandfather passed away, he just couldn’t adjust to life without her!
    With that said, even though she may have no memory, you and your family can enjoy this time, and take lots of pictures to let Elias know just how special she is and was to you!!!
    I’m glad getting there was not a pure nightmare! Things get different as they get older, sometimes not as hard but always different!!! Enjoy this time when you can cuddle with him!!!

    Pamela in TX

  12. Great, fun blog and I think your family is so cute. My 8 month old doesn’t like the hider either. As for the sling, he didn’t like that either, which I was a little sad about. I liked the idea of the sling. Someone else commented that the ergo worked for them. I agree. I got the ergo after about 3 sling/bjorn/wrap tries. It still keeps your baby close, but much more comfortable for him and you. Later, he’ll still be able to fit in it as a toddler and on your back (like a backpack). So worth it.

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