1. Yeh I made it to be number ine again!!!!!

    Loved the pics from your trip. He is changing so quickly. I especially loved the cowboy hat.
    How sweet.
    Glad all went well and you arrived home safely.
    Have a great week.
    PS Hannah had a great time at horse camp last week, I shared with you her story in my testimony- I thought you would like to know how well she did- we are so proud of her.
    I am going to email you a picture of her and her horse Teddy tomorrow at work.
    God Bless

  2. jessica the pictures are great…and I was there for most of them….We miss our little buddy.xoxoxo nana and papa

  3. What a sweet baby! You will always cherish the pictures you have with grandparents! Thats worth the trip alone!

  4. So nice that he got to meet lots of family! 🙂 His cowboy hat is adorable and must be so tiny as it looks like it totally fits him!! 🙂 Too cute!

  5. I’m so glad you were able to introduce Elias to your family. Your Grandma is beautiful! And even though, it goes without saying…I’ll say it anyway, Elias is the CUTEST!

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