1. That is a precious picture of Elias and Daddy…..I love the way both projects turned out. When we were buying the wood together I wasn’t sure about the out come but they look great!!!! love mom

  2. ahhh I love that milk time door hanger! what a great little gifty for new moms! that’s totally going to be my next project for the next 8,000 baby showers we’re going to have at our church! LOL 🙂 I love it, so cute 😉

    oh and that pic of Matthew and E…darlin’! 🙂

  3. I’m so jealous you have an office door! It’s months and months away (being only 4 months pregnant now), but I’m already trying to figure out how/where I’m going to pump at work. Any tips, anyone?

  4. Hey Jessica – I have no baby advice for you, but have you ever thought about buying a different lens for your camera? Canon makes a 50mm f/1.8 that is pretty cheap — and would work wonders in low-light situations (then you wouldn’t have the constant ISO battle). 😀

  5. LOVE the shadow box! And is it really a box….it looks like a tray. Ingenius I tell you!

    Oh, and I think Elias will be more than content looking at all the strangers on the plane – this is a GREAT age to travel….minus the having to breast feed next to a stranger that is.

  6. Very cute projects! Do you happen to work in an office with mainly females? Cause where I work, if I put a sign up like that there would be jokes flying all over the office (cause I work with mainly males.)

    And to Jessica – is there someone at your work who has an office with a door that wouldn’t mind letting you use it a few times a day? Or maybe a conference room or storage closet? Not ideal I’m sure but it’s something.

  7. I’m a new reader. Let me say..I love your blog. You have a cute little family. I LOVE your son’s name. I love to scrapbook and take pictures as much as you do. I have a question for you…where do you develop your pics at? I have used snapfish in the past and am looking around for other’s advice!

  8. I work in an office of mostly females and I have my own door to my office, so the sign/pumping should not be a problem.

    I develop my pictures mostly through snapfish/walgreens on matte paper. I have a photo printer, but it needs ink, lol, so I don’t use it very much right now. Guess I should get on that.

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