1. Oh my goodness…these make me long for a baby! My 5 are so out of the baby stage…my youngest is 6. These are precious!

  2. OMG Nana is checking out the pictures after 10 pm and just smiling ear to ear!!!! Thanks for the happy thoughts at the end of a very long day! 🙂 xoxo mom

  3. What a CUTIE PIE!! I just love those first couple of him smiling. They are just too precious!!! He is just so gorgeous!
    Love ya, Dani

  4. What a little ham!!! I love his little wave for the camera. The kid is going to be a stand up comedian, TV personality, or a really, really, really good public relations worker! TOO CUTE! Made me realize how big my “baby” is. 18 months and not such a baby anymore. Enjoy every moment, it goes soooo fast!

  5. too cute! you have yourself one handsome boy there!!

    ~ i was trying to add myself as a follower but can’t seem to get it to work. any sugestions?

    blessings ~

  6. Jessica,
    Hi there, I found your blog through Bring the Rain. Oh my goodness, those pictures are adorable! All of them are precious. However, the second one has to be one of my favs!!!!!!! It is so fun to try and interpret what babies are thinking like in the last picture, “Mom are you done yet”. I am a camera freak with my 8 month old twins and I can never get enough pictures! It is so fun to put captions onto their pictures!!!!!!! They are totally getting the hang of what the camera is as I use it so much.

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