Random Update
I am working on answering your scrapbooking questions. I don’t know that I will answer all of them, but will do a good chunk. Expect part one of two in the next couple days.
I have gotten multiple comments and questions asking about the status of SWA, and the update is, I have no update. In my interview they said they would call either way last week Monday. Nothing is posted on the contest site… I’m not sure if:
- I wasn’t selected
- They haven’t made a final decision
- Ike caused everything to get delayed (SWA is based in Dallas, so I know they were doing a lot to prepare)
- or some combination of the above.
We are really hoping to hear SOMETHING today as a lot is in limbo because of the possible trip and it is stressing me out a bit.
Here’s what Elias is up to these days:
- holding his head up like a rockstar (see above picture)
- cooing more
- smiling and almost laughing (its like silent filmstar laughing right now)
- blowing bubbles and drooling
- responding to our voices
Read the letter Matthew wrote to Elias today – it’s beautiful. It made me cry.
Here’s the layout I did this weekend (I did get one done!). I LOVE it. (click on it to make it bigger)
I also worked on this 20 page scrapbook that is sort of like a baby book that my mom got me before Elias was born. It is super simple (the pages are pre-designed) and it has a lot of blanks to fill in about the baby, his family, etc. It is darling.
Bible Study
Angie’s Nashville bible study kicks off tonight and I am going to be there in the beginning to take photos of everyone. If you are coming, I look forward to meeting you! I will not be participating in the study, but wanted to come help tonight.
Have a great day!
I saw a Southwest commercial where everyone was singing “Hallelujah” for not having to check bags and immediately thought of you! I’m pretty sure I would have never stopped to notice it if it wasn’t for your blog. That in itself should make you win 🙂
The layout is fabulous… hard to do a bad layout with such cute pictures!!!!
you are on fire my dear 🙂 Love the newest sb LO 😉
Hey Jessica, my name is Jen. I have been following your blog for a couple of months. It has been so fun to see you from a cute little pregnant thing to having Elias! He is adorable! I just moved here to Nashville a month and a half ago. After trying three other churches we came to Cross Point three weeks ago and haven’t gone anywhere else. We love it! I am coming to the bible study tonight and would love to meet you! 🙂
I love the new layout!!
I wish I could go to the study, i’ve been complaining about living to far in Angie’s blog and know that I know you are going it makes me want to move to Tn even more :p
I’m loving the scrap pages! They look good. I’m exctied to see what else will be made as Elias grows. 🙂