1. I live off QVC when they have scrapbooking on. Stinks you’re not home to watch but thought I’d tell you in case you didn’t know.

    When you get home you can go to QVC.com and click on product review and when you see the show with Lisa on it you can actually watch the segment so you could see your stuff that way.

    Does that make sense the way I wrote that…might not have come out right 🙂

  2. I watched too, but I didn’t see anything. 🙁 I actually don’t have cable at home, but I was able to watch the whole show online.

  3. I watched the 12-2 am segment. I’m sure if your items were on it ~ I saw them. I thought you had mentioned you were getting somethings ready for the show.

    It was a grea segment.

    Hurray for you!!!

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