Churched is Here
Run, don’t walk to your nearest bookstore or favorite online retailer and get your copy of churched. If you are going to buy it online, please consider buying it on Amazon. Amazon sales rankings help create buzz, PR, media interest, and store buy-ins, so it really helps to have a strong showing. We would love to see it break the top 1,000 today!
Matthew’s mom called us yesterday and told us she found it at Borders, so that is a good sign that the bookstores should have it. If you go somewhere that doesn’t have it, ask them to order you a copy. This helps get the book in more places.
We have a special offer for those of you that want to read churched in your small group or book club. if you order 10 or more copies, email your receipt to Matthew ( Then, when your group is ready, Matthew will provide you with a study guide and coordinate to appear at your group via skype! How cool is that?
Here’s a fun picture of Matthew from his churched days – he is the one holding the flag.
I will be drawing names for the free copies later this morning, so be sure to leave a comment on Monday’s post if you haven’t already.
Matthew and I are so thankful for your support during this exciting time. If you are interested, hop on over to his blog for more ways you can help support churched. You are a blessing.
Peace to you today.
found you through angela’s bring the rain – have made a post for your hubs on my own blog encouraging folks to buy the book -best of luck!